CSI是美国Jacklin Seed最新培育出的匍匐茎黑麦草,CSI由CREEPING(匍匐),SPREADING(扩展),INNOVATIVE(创新)的首字母缩写而得名,从而实现了黑麦草能真正的匍匐生长,CSI可以用于运动场、草皮卷生产、高尔夫球场、绿化草坪等。
•New Innovation for the permanent turf perennial ryegrass market 为了永久多年生黑麦草草坪而研发的新一代品种
•Unsurpassed turf density 无与伦比的草坪密度
•Extremely fine textured 非常细致的叶片
•Spreads via reproductive tillers 通过再生分蘖进行扩展
•Able to repair damaged turf 能够自我修复损伤的草坪
•Utility patent on its unique growth habit protects any varietal designated as “spreading” 对这种独特生长习性的实用新型专利确保其它任何品种在命名中不能含有“扩展”的表达
•Genetics that continuously spread via reproductive tillers 拥有的特殊基因确保了通过生殖分蘖连续不断地扩展
•Tillers produce new turf plants at each node genetically identical to the mother plant 在每个叶结处分蘖形成新的植株,这些植株与母体在基因上相同
•Exhibits increased density translating to much greater sod strength than standard turf type perennial ryegrasses 比传统多年生黑麦草品种有更高的密度,这等于更高的草皮强度。
•Creeping characteristics via reproductive tillers that actually grow parallel to and with ground contact instead of upright 匍匐特性是通过生殖分蘖紧紧贴着地面平行生长,而不是垂直生长来表达的
•CSI Rye tillers develop multiple internodes containing cells that divide and begin growing both shoots and roots (Normal varieties of perennial ryegrass do not) 分蘖枝发育成多个包含细胞的节间组织,这些节间组织中的细胞分裂并发育形成芽和根(一般的多年生黑麦草品种不具备这种习性)
•CSI Rye develops nodes genetically identical to plants from the original plant 发育形成的节与母体植株在基因上完全相同
•All CSI Rye varieties have exhibited the highest disease resistance ratings of any perennial ryegrass varieties tested to date at a research and development station in Oregon与其他任何多年生黑麦草相比,CSI黑麦草具有最高的抗病性
名 称:贵阳怡安绿化有限公司【官网】
联 系 人:余经理
电 话:0851-85517019
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地 址:贵州省贵阳市南明区油榨街贵钢花鸟市场12栋2号